Lucky, he is just so lucky.
His luck changed overnight,
He became "Lucky",
So Lucky that prayers and kindness poured in far and near,
So Lucky that other furry ones are purring for him.
No more close-up or disturbing photos - just photos of LUCKY being lucky.

I skipped work and took Lucky to the vet clinic today.
Doc said "trauma to the tail and paw".
Doc asked Lucky "What happened to you?"
But Lucky just stared at him blankly...
Guess no one will ever know, but one thing for sure, he wasn't born like this.
There's not much left of his paw pad. Fortunately though, wound on his paw seemed to have dried and crusted.
His tail is a little worrying as it is raw, open and a little infected. Lucky is now on oral antibiotic, twice a day and once-a-day dab of iodine for a week. If all goes well, he will be going in for surgery next week.
Lucky thanks everyone from the bottom of his heart.
He has never expected so much "love".
P:S: Lupie's turn to the Nephro Clinic tomorrow for blood test! Wish me luck that everything is A-OKAY!! This means, I gotta go to bed early tonight!
he so LUCKY to have you!
Thought you took Lucky to the vet on Sunday.
All the best to you and Lucky.
I will be visiting the vet soon.
semoga LUCKY cepat sembuh.
untuk sis juga.. semoga semuanya berjalan lancar sis..
Great to see he's getting care! He looks pretty content.
He is very lucky to have found you. He looks very relaxed there, I'm sure he's going to be fine.
Oh Bin!!
That is a wonderful name and a wonderful cat and I am so so so glad you found him!
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.
Would you mind if I put a pic of lucky on my blog tonight?
He is so beautiful - glad there is a paypal for donations to help him.
Take care
Hi Bin! This is my first visit over here - I read about you and Lucky at Ten Lives and Second Chances - and I know myself, so I could't come over til now. Even these pictures are tough for me to look at - they make me so angry and so sad - I can't even put it into words. But then you - you make me so happy. You are an angel to help Lucky. I honestly can't even think of any other words - and angel just doesn't seem like enough. Thank you for helping Lucky. Just, thank you for being such a good person and helping him.
Bin, we have been too scared to come over and look at the pictures of sweet Lucky, but we're glad we finally did. Bless you for rescuing this kitty. Bless you, bless you, bless you. Sending Lucky lots and lots of healing vibes.
You're a sweetie and I'm so glad wee Lucky is in good hands. Thank you for lookin' after him. xx
We donated a wee bit tonight but if Lucky needs more, you'll let us know"??
Milt xx
Ouch! Poor kitty!!! Glad he has you to take care of him!! Good luck at the clinic tomorrow!!
I have 2 doc appts tomorrow too!! Sending you love!
Salam... kami doakan lucky akan pulih dan lupie juga.
* Take care *
I have my fingers crossed for Lucky and hope he truly will be Lucky. Good luck with the surgery, I've made a small donation. I'm glad you set up the Paypal donation button!
Lots of healing Light to you both.
Cute friend, and very lucky because found a good mommy, with a lovely heart to take care of his.
Thanks so much for you kind visit in my blog, We love Luna.You are very gentle!
I'm sending beautiful energies for this little friend, and I hope everything will be okay soon!
purrs and love
WE are thrilled you took Lucky to the vet. We also wanted to tell you that we think you are just a super person to help Lucky like this. You are one special person.
Wishing you lots of luck with your appointment today. Hope it goes really well for you.
We left a little donation. Wish we could have done more.
Keep us posted about you and Lucky.
Mommy let me send a little lunch money to help sweet Lucky kitty.
We are holding you both close to our hearts and purrrr that you will be blessed always for your kindness.
Love Misses Peach at the cozy cottage
Bless you Bin and indeed Lucky will now live up to that beautiful name...and he has the sweet angelic look in his eyes. He is lucky and happy to have found you -- and we also see gratitude in his eyes for the help and love you are giving him.
Lucky looks better than I imagined he would he is very fortunate that he is with you who cares for him. There are some very evil people in the world - I can only hope they reap as they sow.
I am pleased Lucky has seen a vet and is well cared for. I will be back with a donation at the weekend.
So sorry you are having to go through this ordeal are a lucky boy though to have such a wonderful new mom.
Bless your heart for helping Lucky. We will be snding a bit of money your way, but unfortunately it will take us a litte while to get some money put into our paypal account.
You are so kind, a true friend to animals. Lucky is lucky to have you fighting his corner. I hope he does well, he looks happy despite those horrific injuries.
Hope your hospital appt goes well too
Whicky et al
We sent a donation with Paypal yesterday evening as we promised.
Hope Lucky is going along OK.
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