Bravo ... bravo ... clap ... clap ....
But ...
It is not that I am getting better ...
I am still leaking protein.
It is just a norm to reduce preds with IV-Cyclo treatment.
No more P-Power ... well, it is a good thing though. I've reached the point that that preds are giving me more "bad" instead of "good". My face is so round like Doraemon, just need to dye my hair blue and put on some Geisha face powder and presto, the acting contract is mine. Overall, I look like Michelin, not Michele Yeoh!!
So - if anyone wants a mascot (Doraemon or Michelin (NOT MICHELE YEOH!)) for their kid's birthday party - pls contact my manager, Lulu Girl for further details.

Insufficient protein is one of the causes that will make your body bloat.
Do eat well.
Thank you for visiting.
Not exactly celebrating Easter; have to rush (less traffic on Sunday morning) to BabyPets to get the kitties' 15kg pack of kibbles which I truly struggled to carry.
Oh dear! I hope that you do supplement the leaking protein! Eat lots of bread and greens! :-)
And I'm sure you're more Michele Yeoh - yes you are!!! cos she is utterly GORGEOUS - than Michelin Man (who btw is very cute - look at those eyes!!!).
Take care
Good that you are cutting down on preds- I'm trying as well. I really hate having that round face- boo;0( You are so fuuny about the michelin man haha!
Keep well and good luck with your treatment. Stay positive (you seem like a very positive person anyway!) and I'm sure your body will try and be good for you x
Can I book you to come as doraemon in sept for yin's birthday? my kitties sure love doraemon. :))
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