Today is one of my "worry days" - yes, I am worried for tomorrow as I will be having my very first dose of IV cyclophosphamide (sigh-clo-FOS-fa-mide) - treatment for my lupus nephritis.
In the evening, when I checked my mailbox- there's this envelope with "blessed strings" from the Great Prayers in Kathmandu ! It couldn't have come in at a better time! :)
Wow, that's amazing you got those in the post. What are "blessed strings"- like prayers for you?
Good luck for tomorrow xx
Hi Lupie
You are one fantastic person, really! I've just been reading your profile and some of your blog entries...
Your beautiful cats are very lucky to have a great mum as you!
GOOD LUCK with your first dose of cyclophosphamide. I know very little about Lupus but I'm certainly being educated now with your blog.
Take care and may you have many more blessings!
Lupie, may you be well and happy!
All the best and may the' blessed strings' comfort you.
Hope all goes well. Blessed string I will have to look info up on that.
Hello all - thanks so much for dropping by with such positive energy and kind wishes!
Lila & Road Less traveled - Blessed strings are strings blessed by monks during prayers. It is then given away to others for protection. :)
Lila, Road LT, Old Kitty, Kerusi, Keats - Thanks again! Your comments made my day!
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