
Monday, August 09, 2010

Magical Monday

Magical Monday indeed ....

You've made my Monday Magical indeed !!!
Yes! Pink is simply lovely! I love it!

- sillylupie


Lucky : Thank you, thank you everyone for sending healing purrs for Lucky's Meowmmy - she is feeling so much better today. Not just better but magical! :)


Kea said...

That was so sweet of Jenn! And a lovely surprise for you, Bin.

We're glad you're feeling much better! Big smooches to adorable Lucky; he has such an irresistible face! :-)

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so glad tnat your mom is feeling better Lucky! It is good that everyone is feeling better there now - but we are still sending lots of purrs and prayers!


Jenn is a wonderful sweet kind person, that was a nice surprise. Bin we are glad you are feeling better.

Lucky what an angel you are, we know that you are helping heal your Mom too.

contiued purrs for all


Jacqueline said...

Such sweet gifts from Jenn and Charlie!...We hope you continue to feel better, Bin; gets lots of cuddles from Lucky and all your babies...Sending lots of kisses to handsome, sexy Lucky :) and love and big hugs to you...Hope you have a great week, feeling stronger everyday...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Cory Clark said...

We're very happy that you are feeling better - & received such a nice present!! We love the picture of cute little Lucky - he's looking SO healthy!! YAY for you both!!

Have a happy day!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Wow! What a neat suprise! Packages are always so much fun.

Bin, we're 12 tails up that you are feeling better! Grrreat news, indeed.

Lucky, you look like you are getting fat & sassy in your Forever Home. Are the Other kitties being nice to you yet?

Ingrid said...

That's wonderful that she is feeling better ! You also look so cute on this picture !

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, packages sure are fun! I am so glad your Mom is feeling better!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That was a realy lovely surprise. I am so glad you are feeling better Bin and Lucky that is a beautiful picture.. Hugs GJ xx

Old Kitty said...

LOL!! Yay!!! It lit up!! Yay!! :-)

I'm so glad you like pink!!! Yay!!!!

Awwwww - it's Charlie wanting to say thank you for his fish that he LOVES!!! He really loves his fish!

Take care

meowwmania said...

wahh cantiknya munger tu, surprise apa tuu ;)

alolo....Lucky sgt comel nampak manja sgt2, rindu sgt lama tak nmpk dia, thanks lupie :D

Ellen Whyte said...

Cute flower. And of course the kitty is wonderful! Glad your'e feeling better.

Annie Bear said...

Nice gifts! Love that picture of Lucky! Glad you're feeling better. It sounded like you were feeling pretty lousy on Friday. It's the pits!

Pip said...

We are so glad Lucky's mom is feeling better. We continues to purr for your continued health.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi new Friend,
Thanks for your visit to my blog!!
I am glad to hear you are feeling better!! Also that Lucky is fit again!!
It was so nice of you to come to say hi, please come again soon.
I cook for my dog and I put what I cook for Bambi and for what I have for breakfast on my blog tonight, come see!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern

Hannah and Lucy said...

Bin - what a lovely parcel you had from Jenn and Charlie - we expect Lucky helped you unwrapping the paper! All cats are very helpful in this way.
We are glad you are feeling much better and magical with it.
We'll keep up the purr therapy
Mum Sue, Hannah and Lucy xx xx xx